Memasuki H-1 Ujian SEMESTER,banyak siswa dan siswi sekolah yang merasa takut....takut kenapa???/banyak kemungkinan.Takut nilai rendah,gak lewat KKM,ngcewain orang tua,teman,mau pun sodara...Disinilah letak kesalahannya.Mari kita menengok kebelakang.Lihatlah,,,,yang kita fikirkan malahan takut....takut...dan takut...GAk POSITIF tHINKING bgttt kan??Apa faedah nya coba??kita kan generasi muda,Masih peNuh semangat,dan Penerus Bangsa...Kalo dari Nol aja Udah say NO....gimana NIlainya MAU say YeS...???Maka dari itu,,,gAK usAh nyerah ama patah Semangat Gtu Donk,,,
percaya aJa amn, Diri kita NDiri,,,yakin Ama keMAmpuan.,Eiiittttsss....jangan lupa BerDO'A.....apa sih,salahnya sekali2 kita husnuzhon????jangan souzon terus.
GAk usah deh,tmen2 smua mikirin yang laen...yang harus difikirin sekarang tu,rajin belajar,baca buku,and ngebahas soal...kalo masalah kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang tadi..tu mah urusan blakangan,yang jelaskan kita udah usaha...jadi,Tawakal aja...fikirin yang positif,kalo perlu...berhyal dikit2 juga gak paapa...asal jangan terlalu tinggi pula...
trus....1 lagi Masalahnya NIh...TRADISI MALAS AND NYONTEK...
gak banget coba...kalo jaman sekarang,masih ada juga yang nyontek dalam UH,maupun UJIAN...
gimana bangsa mau maju...kalo UDAH dari PUcuknya Yang Rusak...Mencontek juga Akibat kemungkinan tadi tuh...karna gak percya diri dan takut kemungkinan yang tadi lahir..akhirnya milih jalan pIntas...Yaitu NYONTEK..Padahal sih,yang salah sebenarnya tu,karna gak PD,ama MALAS...
bicara masalah MALAS...emang susah bangett yah,ngehilangin penyakit manusia yang 1 ini...karena males ini,males itu,makanya nilainya males juga...Coba aja kalo RAJIN...RAjin ini...Rajin itu...Tapi Yang positif yah...Jangan sampai rajin NYONTEK ama NYURI pula...itu kan sama AJa ama NGGAK...SO,GIMANA donk SOLUSINYA,,,???
GAMPANG ada beberapa TIPS buat kalian-kalian yang akan melakanakan Ujian,,,
1.rajin BELAJAR
2.JANGAN menghafal,Tapi Dipahami
3.JANGAN membenci pelajaran ato TAKUT ama pelajaran itu
4.KALO GAK Ngerti,,,,TANYA ama tmen yang NGERTI
5.minta MAAF... sama ORTU,GURU DSB...
6.JANGAN MALAS...'anya jangan lupa yah...
nah...kalo ini smua udah tmen2 lakuin...percaya deh...UJian SEMESTER kali ini...sukses..Cayooo...
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
Lab 3.3.3 Determine the MAC Address of a Host

• Determine the MAC address of a Windows XP computer on an Ethernet network using the ipconfig
/all command.
• Access to the Run command.
Every computer on an Ethernet local network has a Media Access Control (MAC) address that is burned into
the Network Interface Card (NIC). Computer MAC addresses are usually displayed as 6 sets of two
hexadecimal numbers separated by dashes or colons. (example: 15-EF-A3-45-9B-57). The ipconfig /all
command displays the computer MAC address. You may work individually or in teams.
The following resources are required:
• Windows XP workstation with at least one Ethernet network interface card (NIC)
Step 1: Open a Windows command prompt window
a. From the Windows XP desktop, click Start then Run.

b. Type cmd in the Run dialogue box then click OK.

c. A Windows command prompt window opens.
Step 2: Use the ipconfig /all command
a. Enter the ipconfig /all command at the command prompt.

b. Press Enter. (Typical results are shown in the following figure, but your computer will display different

Step 3: Locate the MAC (physical) address(es) in the output from the ipconfig /all command
a. Use the table below to fill in the description of the Ethernet adapter and the Physical (MAC) Address:
Description | Physical address |
Atheros AR5B95 Wireless network adapter #2 | DO-DF-9A-92-5E-C6 |
Atheros AR8152/8158 pcL-E fast ethernetcontroller (NDS 6.20) | DC-OE-AL-4E-8E-63 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Step 4: Reflection
a. Why might a computer have more than one MAC address?
answer: Because a camputer can have more than one acces point , every acces point have one MAC address ,so a computer can have more than one MAC address.or a computer have many hadrware.and for one hardware on computer have one MAC computer can have more then one MAC address
b. The sample output from the ipconfig /all command shown previously had only one MAC address.
Suppose the output was from a computer that also had wireless Ethernet capability. How might the
output change?
the diffrent is the computer have wireless ethernet ethernet capability it’s use MAC address filter.and to change the MAC address.the steps is at the next answer.
c. Try disconnecting the cable(s) to your network adapter(s) and use the ipconfig /all command again.
What changes do you see? Does the MAC address still display? Will the MAC address ever change?
answer: nithing be changes.yes,the MAC address stiil display.we can change the MAC address with this steps:
before change it.we must know our MAC address.after that double click at network icon,click properties,click configure,click tab advenced,choose the second list.put the new address in text box.
d. What are other names for the MAC address?
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